Electric incinerating toilet

The electric toilet is a good alternative for a vacation home - suitable for wheelchair users

Cinderella electric toilet

Cinderella electric toilet

The electric toilet does not need water. Stool and urine are incinerated at 600 °C in a well insulated combustion chamber. Incineration produces very little ash incineration and all foul-smelling gases are purified by catalyst. The end result is odorless and bacteria-free ash that can be used as compost.

Model: Cinderella. Information through info@fritidstoa.se

Users comments
The ash needs to be emptied one or two times a year.

The toilet is too high to use with a shower chair. The user has to take the shower chair with bucket and empty the bucket in the toilet.

Purchased from 
cinderellaeco.com (last checked May 2020).

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Author: Erik

Erik bor ihop med fru och barn i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. 1996 skadade han sig och har en hög tetraplegi (C4-5). Han har 21 timmar personlig assistans per dygn.

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