Adapted portable alarm transmitter attached to the wheelchair cushion
Portable radio-controlled alarm. The transmitter is waterproof with a long lifetime. It sits on a plate; a plexiglas disc sits on top of it to increase the area on which to apply pressure. The user attaches the transmitter to the side of the wheelchair cushion with a Velcro strap. The assistants have a receiver, a small box with clips to be able to attach it to clothing. The alarm gives an audio signal and vibrates.
Model: alarm transmitter: ATOM; receiver: Trex/Home
Users comments
The user is satisfied with the alarm. It makes him, his family and the assistants feel more secure.
Purchased from
For example: Neat, https://neat-group.com/ (last checked Nov 2024).
Paid for by
County Council

Alarm transmitter with modification


Transmitter attached to the side of the user’s wheelchair cushion
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