Smart shoelaces

Shoelace with magnet makes it easier to put shoes on and take them off – suitable for people with impaired hand function

User opens and closes his magnetic shoelaces (film)

Smart shoelaces are two magnets (ca 1×3 cm) with 3 holes in each. To attach the magnet, first pull the shoelace out of the top 3 holes, then thread it back through the holes of the shoe and the magnet on both sides, see (last checked June 2020).

When the magnets are separated, the foot can easily be placed in the shoe, then the magnet is closed with a click.

Users comments
According to the user, the shoelaces work really well. You just separate the magnets. The user notes that the magnets are very strong and they may be difficult for people with poor hand strength to separate.

Purchased from (last checked June 2020)

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The user

The magnets attached to the shoe

Smart shoelaces

Author: Max

Max studerar och bor ensam i lägenhet. Han skadade sig 2002 och har han en hög ryggmärgsskada (C5 inkomplett med bibehållen känsel). Han har personlig assisistans ca 13 timmar per dag.

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