Rain poncho for bicyclists

A rain poncho for bicyclists works as rain gear for wheelchair users.

User sitting in wheelchair with rain poncho on. The poncho reaches to the user's calves and covers even the wheelchair's arm- en backrest.

User with rain poncho from the front

Users comments
The rain poncho protects against rain, snow, wind, and cold. It also protects any items wheelchair users may have on their lap, such as a mobile phone. Conny always has it with him whenever he goes out. Conny has not tested operating a power-driven wheelchair with chin control with the poncho on, but he thinks it should work.

Purchased from
Bicycle shop

Paid for by

Whose idea
Conny Örnesved

Editors comments
There are rain ponchos available specially formed to fit persons sitting in a wheelchair, for example rollimoden.de/en/ (last checked March 2020).

User with rain poncho from the back – the back of the wheelchair is also protected

User with rain poncho from the back – the back of the wheelchair is also protected

Amsmall bag containing the rainponcho.

Rain poncho in bag

Author: Conny

Conny bor ihop med sina döttrar i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. 1994 skadade han sig och fick en hög ryggmärgsskada (C4). Han har personlig assistans dygnet rund, därav 3,5 timmar dubbel bemanning.

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