Thermal mug with large handle

Thermal mug with large handle suitable for people with impaired grip and reduced sensation
User with her thermal mug
User with her thermal mug

Users comments
Coffee stays hot and the user, who has reduced sensation in her hands, does not burn herself.

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The user

Editors comments
For persons having difficulties keeping a cup steady while drinking, there is an alternative, a cup with a rotatable handel, se (last checked August 2020).

Author: Yasmin

Yasmin bor i en lägenhet. Hon arbetar deltid. 1999 skadade hon sig och har en C-5 skada. Hon har fått opererat armsträckare i båda armarna, knipfunktion i vänster tumme samt pronation i båda underarmarna. Tipsen innan 2008 har hon inte gjort någon handkirurgi. Hon har 24 timmar personlig assistans, varav 7 timmar jour.

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