Take photos with remote release cable

Dela Dela The user has a Nikon system camera with remote release cable. The remote release is attached to the accessory contact on the camera. The user operates the remote control with her mouth. To protect the remote release from saliva the user covers it with the finger of a rubber glove. Users comments Unfortunately […]
User takes photos with remote release cable

User takes photos with remote release cable

The user has a Nikon system camera with remote release cable. The remote release is attached to the accessory contact on the camera. The user operates the remote control with her mouth. To protect the remote release from saliva the user covers it with the finger of a rubber glove.

Users comments
Unfortunately remote release is only available as an accessory on expensive cameras.

Purchased from
Photography supply store

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

Editors comments
See also rollingfstop.blogspot.com/2008/12/camera-mount-for-wheelchair-photography.html (last checked September 2020).

User takes photos with remote release cable

User takes photos with remote release cable

User holds the camera using the camera strap

User holds the camera

Author: Susanne

Susanne bor i lägenhet och studerar och arbetar som frilans (heltid). Hon skadade sig 1982 och har en hög ryggmärgskada (C5). Genom handkirurgi fick hon ett pinchgrepp i vä hand. Hon har personlig assistans genom LASS. Efter tipsinsamlingen har hon flyttat till en ny lägenhet.

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