Camera arm

Assistive device for persons with extensive disabilities

The user in the wheelchair, a flexible arm with a camera on it is screwed to the wheelchair's side support. The camera sits in front of the user's face.

The user with camera stand fastened to wheelchair

Camera stand is attached to the wheelchair armrest. It consists of an attachment (Super Clamp from Manfrotto), a flexible arm (Manfrotto Arm 237hD) and a camera holder (ballhead from photography supply store).

Purchased from
Photography supply store

Paid for by
The user

Editors comments
See also, last checked March 2020.

Camera stand

Camera stand

Bracket mounted on the wheelchair armrest (close-up)


Ballhead (close-up)


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Author: Nina

Nina bor i en lägenhet. Hon arbetar deltid. Hon skadade sig 1996 och har en hög tetraplegi (C4) och är i behov av ventilator. Hon har dubbel assistans dygnet runt.

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