Accessible boat dock

Floating boat dock – suitable for boarding by people with motor disabilities

Accessible boat with boarding ramp folded out at dock

Accessible boat with boarding ramp folded out at dock

Long boat dock consisting of a fixed dock and a floating dock. A cantilevered ramp joins the fixed and floating parts of the dock. At the entrance to the dock is a shed for boating and fishing gear.

Users comments
A floating dock guarantees that the dock and the boat are at the same height.
The dock belongs to Sweden’s Funktionshindrades Frilufts och Fiskeförening, (Sweden Recreation and Fishing Association for People with Disabilities, SFFF), (in Swedish) (last checked October 2021)

Whose idea
The user

Boat dock (fixed part)

Boat dock (fixed part)

Boat dock (cantilevered ramp and floating dock)

Boat dock (cantilevered ramp and floating dock)

Boat dock with storage shed

Boat dock with storage shed

Shed at the entrance to the boat dock

Shed at the entrance to the boat dock

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Author: Jonas

Jonas startade och arbetar för Sveriges Funktionshindrades Frilufts och Fiskeförening, Han var också med att starta Hanterbara Båtar AB,, ett företag som bygger tillgängliga båtar. 2002 skadade han sig och har en komplett paraplegi. Han har ingen assistans.

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