Accessible stacked washer/dryer

Stacked washer/dryer works for wheelchair users
Stacked washer/dryer
Stacked washer/dryer

The dryer is stacked on top of the washer. The laundry detergent is in the cabinet under the sink next to the washer.

Users comments
Placement of the dryer is suitable for the user; she can easily reach the filter to clean it. She can also easily reach the laundry detergent, which is in the adjacent cabinet. The user orders the laundry detergent in large quantities and has it delivered to her house.

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Author: Lotta

Lotta bor i en tvåplansvilla på landet ihop med maken, dottern, tre hundar och en katt. Hon arbetar ideellt för Rekryteringsgruppens friluftsgrupp. Hon skadade sig 1983 och har en hög paraplegi (TH 3). Hon har ingen assistans.

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