User at sewing machine, pressing on hand control button
Small, lightweight electronic sewing machine with many advanced functions including start/shutdown button for sewing without a foot pedal, as well as automatic threading. It can handle several layers of thick fabric.
Model: Janome Platinum 720
Users comments
The user likes to sew. He is extremely satisfied with the sewing machine, which works both for him and for his 12-year old daughter. The best feature is the hand control.
Made by
Janome, janome.se (in Swedish) (last checked September 2022)
Purchased from
Sewing machine store
Paid for by
The user
Editors comments
This modell is no longer available. But there are other modells which have hand control and automatic threading like ‘Janome Decor Computer’ (last checked September 2022).

User threads machine

Sewing machine Janome Platinum 720
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