Adapted laundry room

Well-planned practical laundry room – suitable for wheelchair users

User in laundry room between dryer and washing machine

User in laundry room

The washer and dryer each stand on a pedestal with pull-out storage basket. The dryer has a left-hinged door, the washer door is hinged on the right. Between them is a counter with knee space. To the right of the dryer is a counter with a sink and knee space.

Users comments
The user does the laundry independently. Placing the washer and dryer on pedestals raises them to a suitable height for the user. The family collects the dirty laundry in a laundry basket on casters (see associated tip) and the user moves the clothing from the basket into the washer. When she sits at the counter between the washer and dryer she can easily move the laundry from one appliance to the other. She transports the dry laundry on her lap to the large counter and sorts it in piles for the different family members.

It was not easy to find machines with right-hinged and left-hinged doors.

Whose idea

User at counter between washer and dryer

User at counter between washer and dryer

User at counter with sink in laundry room

Counter with sink in laundry room

Washing machine with pedestal

Washing machine with pedestal

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Mobile laundry basket
Mobile laundry basket
Laundry basket on casters is convenient for wheelchair users.

Author: Karolina

Karolina bor tillsammans med sin familj i en villa. Hon arbetar deltid. 2006 skadade hon sig och har en tetraplegi (C7). Hon har 12 timmar personlig assistans per dag.

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