User drains urine. Illustration: Lars ‘Geson’ Andersson
A disposable catheter is used – EasiCath Nelaton from Coloplast. User drains urine while sitting in wheelchair.
User washes, opens the top of the catheter bag, 2-3 cm and fills the package with water from the faucet. After 30 seconds the catheter is ready for use. The user sits in front of the toilet chair, pulls down trousers and moves forward in the chair to semi-reclining position.
She pours out the water from the catheter bag, opens the other side of the package and pulls the catheter tip a few centimeters out of the package. She uses the catheter package as an extension of the catheter and places it on the edge of the toilet. She carefully inserts the catheter far enough for the urine to begin to run.
Users comments
At first she used a mirror to be able to more easily see where to insert the catheter. But with time she learned how to do this without a mirror. She feels it is a great advantage that she does not have to transfer to sit on unhygienic public toilets. With this position she can drain urine anywhere.
Made by
Coloplast, coloplast.us (catheter) (last checked June 2021)
Editors comments
On Wellspect’s webbsite you can download a form which helps to take along catheters in hand luggage when flying, wellspect.us/bladder/living-with-catheterization/leisure/travel-tips (last checked June 2021).