Counter without lower cabinet in accessible kitchen

Fixed counter without lower cabinet – appropriate in a kitchen used only by a wheelchair user

User at counter

User at counter

The user designed the counter as well as the entire kitchen. The counter is located along one wall and in a corner. It consists of a sheet of wood resting on counter frames. The height is adapted to the user’s knee height. Built into the counter is a standard stove with ceramic cooktop and touch controls as well as two shallow sinks.

Users comments
The user is satisfied with the counter, but would like to have a little more space.

Made by
Kitchen company

Paid for by
Insurance money

Whose idea

Editors comments
The consoles are available at AH-produkter, (last checked June 2020)

Work bench seen from below - consoles supporting the bench are visible

Consoles support the counter

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Author: Max

Max studerar och bor ensam i lägenhet. Han skadade sig 2002 och har han en hög ryggmärgsskada (C5 inkomplett med bibehållen känsel). Han har personlig assisistans ca 13 timmar per dag.

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