Draining hot water from pot

Cooking pasta without assistance – technique for a person with compromised function and strength in arms and hands

Pot on stove with cutting board next to it

Pot on stove with cutting board next to it

The user moves the pot from the stove (see associated tip) to a cutting board that stands next to the stove. Then he moves the cutting board with the pot to the edge of the sink. He grasps the pot handle, tips the pot and pours the contents into a colander standing in the sink.

Whose idea

Pot on cutting board

User moves pot over to cutting board

User moves cutting board with pot to sink

User moves cutting board with pot to sink

User drains water in sink

User drains water in sink

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Author: Max

Max studerar och bor ensam i lägenhet. Han skadade sig 2002 och har han en hög ryggmärgsskada (C5 inkomplett med bibehållen känsel). Han har personlig assisistans ca 13 timmar per dag.

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