User puts on trousers, socks, and shoes (video)
The user places one leg on his lap, pulls on his sock, places the foot into the trouser leg and puts on his shoe. He places his foot down on the foot bar and pulls his trousers up to his knee. He repeats the process with the other leg. Now he pulls up his trousers as far as possible so that they come over the edge of the wheelchair cushion and in under his thighs. He grasps the waistband with his thumbs and moves his hands up on the wheels at the same time that he holds onto the waistband. He lifts himself up and hops forward in the wheelchair (“hops into the trousers”). Now he moves his grip down to the wheelchair frame and leans back against the backrest. He grasps the waistband with his palm facing the cushion, grabs the trousers and pulls them up. Then he straightens himself out.
Users comments
Exercise is important to keep the legs flexible so they can be placed across the lap.
To avoid lifting his leg up onto his lap several times the user puts on socks, trousers, and shoes all at once.