Custom sewn functional summer jacket

- suitable for wheelchair users

User in her summer jacket.

User in her summer jacket. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

Windproof summer jacket with wide sleeves and long tight cuffs. Zipper with key ring.

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Users comments
The user wanted a lightweight jacket for summer evenings. She tried many garments specially designed for people with disabilities, but did not find anything suitable. They are all sewn from too much fabric that prevents her from moving freely.
She developed this model and sewed it from fabric remnants. The cuffs keep out cold air and keep the sleeves out of the way when she drives a wheelchair.

Made by
User’s assistant

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

Large cuffs on summer jacket (close-up).

Large cuffs on summer jacket. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

User drives wheelchair while wearing her summer jacket. The wide sleeves do not touch the wheels.

User drives wheelchair while wearing her summer jacket. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

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Author: Anonym 19

Personen bor ihop med maken i en villa på landet. Hon är pensionär. Sedan 1998 har hon en C-6 ryggmärgskada. Hon har personlig assistans 13 timmar dagligen.

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