Custom-made mittens

Custom-made mittens make it possible for a person with extensive disabilities to dress and undress independently
User operates wheelchair while wearing custom-made mitten
User operates wheelchair while wearing custom-made mitten

The mittens look like mittens without a thumb. The left mitten has a hole through which the user can stick out his thumb when he needs to use it. The right mitten has key rings that make it easier to put them on. The mittens are made of double layers of fleece with an adjustable elastic band around the wrist.

Users comments
The user chooses these mittens when he does not have assistance.

Made by
User’s assistant

Purchased from
Fabric store

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

User operates climate controls while wearing custom-made mitten
User operates climate controls while wearing custom-made mitten
User operates electric wheelchair while wearing custom-made mitten
User operates electric wheelchair while wearing custom-made mitten
User with specially-sewn mitten
User with specially-sewn mitten
Specially-sewn mittens
Specially-sewn mittens

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Putting on specially-sewn mittens independently
Putting on specially-sewn mittens independently
- a technique for people with extensive disabilities.

Author: Kenneth

Kenneth bor i en lägenhet. Han skadade sig 2006 och har en hög inkomplett tetraplegi med uttalad spasticitet. Han har personlig assistans 130 timmar i veckan.

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