Sweater from Gudrun Sjödén
– Sweater buttoned with wool edging from Gudrun Sjöden (photo above)
– Blouses that are flared and broader across the stomach (photos below)
Users comments
Sweaters are often difficult to button.
Blouses can be too tight across the stomach and do not fit a person with quadriplegia who sits slumped.
Occasionally the user finds clothing that fits her in the stores. She feels that Gudrun Sjöden, gudrunsjoden.com/en-us, often has appropriate clothing (last checked May 2020).
She borrowed the idea of buttoning a sweater with a wool band from a sweater by Gudrun Sjödén, (photo above), see related hint.
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The user

Blouse from Gudrun Sjödén

Blouse purchased in clothing shop
Related tips

Blouses in simple patterns - appropriate for wheelchair users. 2011

- suitable for wheelchair users. 2011