Elevator in two-storey home

- a solution to make a two-storey home wheelchair accessible

User in utility room with elevator in background.

User in utility room with elevator in background. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

The elevator leads from the utility room entrance up to the first floor. The user drives outside with an electric wheelchair, indoors with a manual. He switches wheelchairs in the utility room entrance where he stores his electric wheelchair.

Users comments
The municipality offered only a ramp structure outdoors and a small portable box (‘breadbox’) outdoors for storing the electric chair. Because of the difficulties moving from the house to the ‘bread box’ and moving on the ramp in winter, the user negotiated with the municipality to receive the money that the ‘bread box’ would have cost and applied it to purchase the elevator.

Paid for by
Partially the municipality, partially the user

Whose idea

Entry with metalramp to utility room entrance.

Entry with metalramp to utility room entrance. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

Author: Bosse

Bosse bor tillsammans med sin fru i en villa på landet. Han arbetar deltid. Han skadade sig 2008 och har en hög komplett paraplegi. Han har personlig assistans 56 timmar/veckan.

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