Extra support for toilet chair

Reinforced water reservoir extends life span of toilet chair used by persons who drive a wheelchair and have poor balance

Toilet with reinforcement behind water reservoir

Toilet with reinforcement behind water reservoir

Toilet with reinforcement behind water reservoir

A stable sawed-off shelf strengthens the toilet’s water reservoir and stabilizes the toilet during transfers.

Users comments
Tetraplegics with poor balance have a tendency to swing and break the water reservoir of the toilet when they transfer from the wheelchair. The shelf prevents the toilet from rocking.

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Reinforcement behind toilet reservoir (close-up)

Reinforcement behind toilet reservoir

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Author: Tomas

Tomas bor ihop med sambo i en lägenhet. Han arbetar 25% som fotograf. Han skadade sig 1983 och har en låg tetraplegi (C7). Han har hemtjänst i assistansliknande form en timme dagligen.

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