Folding lightweight wheelbarrow

A lightweight wheelbarrow that is easy on the back – suitable for persons who have problems lifting and/or bending
User rakes leaves into wheelbarrow
User rakes leaves into wheelbarrow

The wheelbarrow consists of a steel frame, the actual cargo space is made of stable fabric. When you put the wheelbarrow down the fabric lies on the ground and you just have to rake all the grass or leaves right onto the fabric. No lifting is needed. The low center of gravity of the wheelbarrow makes it easy to wheel even heavy loads. The wheelbarrow can handle up to 150 kg. It is easy to tip to unload it.
The frame can be folded with a quick-release system. The wheelbarrow can be hung on a wall for storage.

Users comments
It is difficult for the user to use an ordinary wheelbarrow. He feels this was a great solution and it is fun to use. He uses it for purposes such as transporting leaves and wood.

Purchased from (last checked November 2020)

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The user

User walks with wheelbarrow
User walks with wheelbarrow
Wheelbarrow standing against a house wall
Wheelbarrow standing against a house wall

Author: Mats 2

Mats bor tillsammans med hustru och en dotter i en villa på landet. Han skadade sig 2001 och har en hög inkomplett skada. Ingen assistans.

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