Riding lawnmower

Wheelchair user can mow lawn with an MTD riding lawnmower
Riding lawnmower
Riding lawnmower

Model: MTD Riding lawnmower

The brake is foot-operated; the gas lever is hand-operated.
Technique: User drives slowly and regulates speed by accelerating and slowing with the gas lever.

Users comments
The user mows the grass. However, she does not do it when she is home alone.

Purchased from
Home improvement, garden supply store

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

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Author: Lotta

Lotta bor i en tvåplansvilla på landet ihop med maken, dottern, tre hundar och en katt. Hon arbetar ideellt för Rekryteringsgruppens friluftsgrupp. Hon skadade sig 1983 och har en hög paraplegi (TH 3). Hon har ingen assistans.

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