Accessible chicken house

Modifications enable wheelchair user to take care of chickens
User opens hatch to access eggs
User opens hatch to access eggs

The entrance for people who take care of the chickens is on one side of the chicken house. This entrance has a ramp and leads to a space where the chickens cannot go. The wall of the stall has a door and a hatch in wood. The hatch is at knee height and gives access to the eggs. Food and water containers are suspended behind the door.
The entry and exit for the chickens leading to an outdoor pen for the chickens are on the other side of the chicken house.

Users comments
For the most part, the user’s wife takes care of the chickens. But the chicken house is designed so that he can take care of them if necessary.

Made by
The user and his wife

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

Wooden ramp at entrance to chicken house
Wooden ramp at entrance to chicken house
Chicken pen
Chicken pen

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Author: Lars

Lars bor ihop med sin hustru i en villa på landet. Han arbetar deltid. Sedan 1967 har han en hög paraplegi. Han är inte i behov av assistans.

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