Raised garden beds

Easily accessible raised garden beds for wheelchair users
User by raised beds
User by raised beds

One part of the garden has two large U-shaped raised beds. They are 60 cm high and 60 cm wide, and with trellises on some of the sides. The user can reach the entire planted area from the sides with his arms.
He grows herbs and vegetables, berries and flowers, even tall rose bushes.

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
Ulf Nordfjäll, landscape architect

Editors comments
‘Land’, landhave.dk in Danmark sells mobile raised beds on wheels (last checked October 2021).

Raised beds
Raised beds
Raised bed
Raised bed

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Author: Lars

Lars bor ihop med sin hustru i en villa på landet. Han arbetar deltid. Sedan 1967 har han en hög paraplegi. Han är inte i behov av assistans.

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