Glassed-in patio

Glassed-in patio with ramps for wheelchair users

Glassed-in patio with ramp to garden

Glassed-in patio with ramp to garden

The glassed-in patio is on a level between the house and the garden. A wooden ramp built into the flooring leads from the house down to the patio, while a metal ramp leads from the patio to the garden. The patio has sliding glass doors.

Made by
Dean Smith, Erika’s partner (ramps)

Paid for by
Local government (ramps)

Wooden ramp from house to patio

Wooden ramp from house to patio

Author: Erika

Erika är småbarnsmamma. Hon bor ihop med sambo och 2 barn i villa. Hon arbetar deltid. Hon skadade sig 1994 och har en låg tetraplegi (C7). Hon använder sig ibland av ledsagarservice när hon går ut med barnen.

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