Wooden deck

Spacious wooden deck outside single-family home – suitable for wheelchair users
Entrance door with exit to the deck
Entrance door with exit to the deck

A large wooden deck with seating and interspersed planted beds, trees and shrubs is located in front of the house.

Users comments
The wooden deck makes the garden feel like a continuation of the house; it is barrier-free. The user is extremely satisfied with it.
Landscape architect Ulf Nordfjäll, who helped install the garden, suggested building a large wooden deck instead of a small veranda.
Another advantage of the wooden deck is that less dirt is dragged into the house.

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
Ulf Nordfjäll, landscape architect

User on the deck
User on the deck

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Author: Lars

Lars bor ihop med sin hustru i en villa på landet. Han arbetar deltid. Sedan 1967 har han en hög paraplegi. Han är inte i behov av assistans.

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