Irrigation of raised beds

Drip and sweat hoses – simple way for wheelchair users to water the garden
Drip or sweat hose in raised beds
Drip or sweat hose in raised beds

Drip or sweat hoses connected to water faucet are buried in the soil. The user occasionally turns on the water. A timer and moisture sensor could be connected for an automatic irrigation system.

Purchased from
Garden supply store

Paid for by
The user

Connection between faucet and drip or sweat hose
Connection between faucet and drip or sweat hose

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Accessible garden
Accessible garden
Architect-designed wheelchair accessible garden with raised beds at various heights.

Author: Lars

Lars bor ihop med sin hustru i en villa på landet. Han arbetar deltid. Sedan 1967 har han en hög paraplegi. Han är inte i behov av assistans.

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