Furniture on casters

Furniture on casters is easy to move – suitable for wheelchair users

User surfs using a wireless mouse and keyboard that sit on the coffee table with casters

User surfs using a wireless mouse and keyboard that sit on the coffee table

Coffee table and video shelf are on casters.

Users comments
The user has a computer connected to the TV screen which is controlled with a wireless mouse and keyboard. When surfing the user needs to sit closer to the TV and having casters on the coffee table makes this easier.

Casters on the video shelf make it easier to connect electronic equipment on the back. Casters on furniture also facilitate cleaning.

Made by
User and his partner (video shelf)

Purchased from
Flea market (coffee table)

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user’s

Coffee table with casters

Coffee table with casters

Video shelf on casters

Video shelf on casters

Author: Tomas

Tomas bor ihop med sambo i en lägenhet. Han arbetar 25% som fotograf. Han skadade sig 1983 och har en låg tetraplegi (C7). Han har hemtjänst i assistansliknande form en timme dagligen.

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