A five-meter long jersey shawl is tied around the parent. The baby is placed inside the shawl and pressed firmly against the parent’s chest. The solution leaves the user’s arms free and enables to move together with the child. The sling works for newborns until the baby no longer fits on the parent’s lap, facing the parent. The length of the sling can be adjusted and as the baby grows, the sling can be loosened to allow the baby’s weight to rest on the parent’s lap.
Model: Elastic baby sling Looma Sino.
For instructions in Swedish on how to tie an elastic baby sling, see youtube.com/watch?v=yzT96VLi7dU&feature=youtu.be, (last checked December 2020).
Users comments
The sling works like an extra pair of arms. I tie the shawl on in the morning and then leave it on during the day. By using the shawl I can move around without being afraid of dropping the baby. Since the baby is pressed against my body, it doesn’t get heavy even though I have reduced trunk function. When we go out the baby lies inside the shawl under my jacket, with a cap on her head as the only outer garment. Nothing else is needed to keep her warm even in winter. People usually say that an elastic sling only works when the baby is small and that you have to switch to a fixed sling, but I used it until my daughter was 1.5 years old and didn’t fit facing me in my arms anymore.
Purchased from
Purchased used online, but it is available in well-stocked baby shops and online stores
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The user
Editors comments
This tip is from mammapappalam.se (last checked December 2020).