Modification of Permobil control box

External buttons on the Permobil control box make it easier to shift between steering and adjusting the seat position – suitable for people with impaired hand function

User with his modified control box

Modified control box

The user has an electric wheelchair (Permobil). The control unit sits in a swivel arm. When he drives he has the control box right in front of him, where his hand mobility is best. The control box is modified with two external buttons to be able to easily switch between steering and setting the seat. The joystick is enlarged.

Made by
Hjälpmedelcentralen (assistive device center)

Paid for by
County Council

The user pushes one of the external buttons on the control box.

The user starts his wheelchair

Author: Göran

Göran bor med sin familj i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. Sedan 2014 har han en hög tetraplegi. Han har 23 timmars personlig assistans dagligen.

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