Modified thigh strap

Strap that holds together a wheelchair user's thighs, modified so that persons with impaired hand function can close it without assistance

User with strap around thighs

User with strap around thighs

A strong strap with a Velcro closure holds the user’s thighs together when he sits in the wheelchair. Large loops on either end enable the user to close the strap without assistance.

Made by
User’s partner (loops)

User has thumbs in the loops of the thigh strap

User attaches thigh strap with loops

Thigh strap with Velcro closure and loops at both ends

Thigh strap with Velcro closure and loops

Author: Mats

Mats bor tillsammans med sin sambo i en lägenhet. Han är pensionär. 1988 skadade han sig och har en tetraplegi (C6-7). Genom handkirurgi har han fått bättre grepp i båda händer. Mats har personlig assistans ca 10 timmar om dagen. Avliden.

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