User rides up an escalator with help from an assistant, filmed by Madeleine Stenius, Rehabstation Stockholm
The user rolls toward the escalator, the assistant walks behind him, holding the wheelchair backrest and making sure that the drive wheels end up on one step and the castors on the next. When the steps are increased the assistant stands with one leg one step below and the other two steps below the user and applies stabilizing counterpressure. When the escalator starts to level off the assistant helps to lift the drive wheels slightly so that they will not get stuck in the small edge at the top of the escalator.
Description of technique according to the book ‘Drivkraft’ [Driving force] by Ake Norsten, see below.
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For a description of more driving techniques, see the book ‘Drivkraft körergononmi, rullstolsteknik & metodik’ [Driving force driving ergonomics, wheelchair techniques and methods] by Åke Norsten. The book is available in Swedish and may be ordered from Spinalis, or Aleris Rehabstation Stockholm, (last checked December 2020).
User rides up an escalator with help from an assistant. Photo: Madeleine Stenius, Rehabstation Stockholm
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