Safety string for wheelchair

Discrete string prevents a person who operates an electric wheelchair and has poor balance from falling forward
Safety string around user’s chest
Safety string around user’s chest

Instead of a seatbelt, a discrete string is used around the user’s chest. The string goes behind the wheelchair’s backrest and through holes on each side of the back support plate. The string can be opened or closed with a small snap hook.

Users comments
When the wheelchair stops the user could fall forward and then has no way to get up again. When he drives outdoors he uses this safety string and it is enough for him. He does not want a large seatbelt. The string must be positioned high up on the chest.

How to make
Drill holes in the sides of the back support plate at chest height. Pull a string through. Make a loop in one end of the string and attach a snap hook to the other end.

Made by
User’s home services staff

Whose idea
The user

Back support plate with hole for string
Back support plate with hole for string
Snap hook
Snap hook
Snap hook
Snap hook

Author: Ragge

Ragge bor ihop med hustru i en villa. Han sysselsätter sig med att utveckla idéer som underlättar vardagen för honom och andra, inget betalt arbete. Han skadade sig 1973 och har en hög tetraplegi. Han har delvis armfunktion i båda armar men använder i stort sätt enbart höger armen som han kan styra bättre. Med vänster armen håller han i sig för att hålla balansen. Han har hemtjänst 27 timmar i veckan. Avliden 2016.

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