Spacious light bedroom
Large bedroom with sitting area and large window. Double bed consists of 2 separate beds. The user has an electric bed with a bed lift from Hjälpmedelcentralen (assistive device center) without a frame. His wife’s bed also has adjustable back so they can be at the same height.
A large closet with sliding doors is opposite the bed, see associated tip.
The door opening is wide enough for the bed to pass through it.
Many electrical outlets are available.
Users comments
The user is extremely satisfied with his bedroom since he has to spend a considerable amount of time in bed. He can see out the large windows. There is plenty of room for him to be able to move and for assistants to be able to help him. There is a place for socializing. Guests have a cozy sitting area with armchairs. Dinner can be served to 4-5 persons.
The user planned four electrical outlets on either side of the bed, though he could use even more.
Whose idea
The user

Closet with closed sliding doors

TV in closet

Wall outlets
Related tips

Discreet ceiling lift with attractive design. 2006

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