Storage containers for persons with impaired grip

Practical food storage for persons with impaired grip.

Two containers one on top of the other and a third along side

Two containers one on top of the other and a third along side

Stackable containers for foods, e.g., tea and coffee. Stack the containers on top of each other; only the top container has a lid, which is easy to remove and replace; not a screw top lid. Available in various sizes.

Users comments
Susanne can easily remove the lid and the individual containers using both hands. This avoids damage to her teeth, which she otherwise has to use when opening packages.

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Editors comments
This product is no longer available at IKEA. Ikea sells a similar product, model ‘Lankmoj’ with smaler containers (last checked July 2020).

User grasps container with both hands

User grasps container with both hands

Author: Susanne

Susanne bor i lägenhet och studerar och arbetar som frilans (heltid). Hon skadade sig 1982 och har en hög ryggmärgskada (C5). Genom handkirurgi fick hon ett pinchgrepp i vä hand. Hon har personlig assistans genom LASS. Efter tipsinsamlingen har hon flyttat till en ny lägenhet.

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