Transfer from wheelchair to sailboat

Transfer from wheelchair to sailboat with help from one person

User sitting in wheelchair receives help to place feet on deck

User receives help to place feet on deck

Technique: Place wheelchair in front of boat and lock wheels. User receives help to place feet on the deck. Then user moves in front of the wheelchair onto the deck and slides down into the cockpit of the boat. He uses cushions on the deck and in the cockpit.

Users comments
A fast, easy way to board the boat.

User sitting on cushion on deck in front of wheelchair

User sitting on cushion on deck in front of wheelchair

User sitting in cockpit

User sitting in cockpit

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Author: Claes

Claes bor ihop med fru och son i en lägenhet. Han arbetar heltid. Han skadade sig 1984 och har en låg tetraplegi. Han har ingen assistans.

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