User with wheelchair gloves
The gloves are custom-designed for the user’s hands. They are attached with Velcro straps. Key rings are sewn to the Velcro strap to make it easier for the user to put on the gloves unassisted. The gloves are made of leather which conforms to the user’s hands. Rubber material allows a good grip of e.g. the wheelchair’s grip rings.
Users comments
The user frequently uses the gloves for wheelchair driving and to hold pens and brushes in place. She replaces them as needed, about 2-3 pairs per year.
Made by
Stefan Borg, OT-Center, Danderyd Hospital, Stockholm, aktivortopedteknik.se (last checked Augusti 2020)
Paid for by
County Council

User tightens Velcro strap

User takes off wheelchair gloves
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