Moving around in wheelchair together with smal children

Ergobaby baby carrier

Ergobaby baby carrier

Baby carrier with optional infant insert – suitable for parents who use a wheelchair and have of young children

Simple baby sling

Simple baby sling

A baby sling that does not need to be tied, but consists of two tubes that are wrapped around the adult’s body – suitable for parents who use a wheelchair and have young children

Baby carrier Lodger Shelter

Baby carrier Lodger Shelter

A cross between a sling and a baby carrier – suitable for parents who use a wheelchair and have young children

Baby harness

Baby harness

A harness intended for prams/baby carriages fits perfectly as a harness for the wheelchair. It works well as a “handle” to lift the child up from the floor.

Belt for child on lap

Belt for child on lap

A lightweight elastic belt is threaded through the front belt loops of the parent’s trousers and serves as a safety belt for a child seated on the parent’s lap

Lap cradle with buckle

Lap cradle with buckle

A soft cradle for a baby to lie on the parent’s lap – suitable for parents who use a wheelchair and have young children

Carrying child on lap

Carrying child on lap

Slightly older children of parents who use wheelchairs can sit on a lap unassisted

Holding a child on lap

Holding a child on lap

Soft corset around user and child – simple way for a wheelchair user to hold a small child on lap