Accessible kitchen

Functional kitchen for wheelchair users
Counter in accessible kitchen
Counter in accessible kitchen

The kitchen has adjustable height counters with upper cabinets and a tall cabinet with built-in oven on the long side. The short side has tall cabinets. The adjustable height portion consists of the stove, two sinks and work spaces. Under the counter is a mobile drawer unit, a box for trash and various pull-out boards. The upper cabinets are attached to the counter and are raised and lowered with the counter.

Users comments
The kitchen was adapted for the user. He is extremely satisfied.

Purchased from
Granberg, (last checked December 2020)

Paid for by
Local government

Stove without lower cabinet, pull-out board and oven in accessible kitchen
Stove without lower cabinet, pull-out board and oven in accessible kitchen

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Storage unit in accessible kitchen
Storage unit in accessible kitchen
Mobile drawers on track.

Author: PO

PO hade en tetraplegi med motorisk genomslag. Han kunde ställa sig upp på benen vid förflyttningar. Avliden.

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