Adapted phone with storage (film)
The voice-controlled portable telephone (Siemens) has been adapted as follows:
– key ring
– anti-slip material underneath
– anti-slip material on the most important buttons
The telephone is stored in a specially designed fabric bag conveniently attached to the electric wheelchair.
Users comments
The user can pick up the telephone by using the key ring. Anti-skid material underneath the telephone makes it possible for him to place it on his thighs in order to press the buttons without it falling down. Having a voice-controlled phone is extremely helpful, according to the user; he presses on a button and uses his voice to control who he is calling.
How to make
Some of the most important buttons on the telephone are enlarged using anti-slip material. The user first punches out round pieces of the anti-slip material an ordinary hole punch. He stacks several of these pieces of anti-skid material and glues them together.
Made by
The user
Whose idea
The user

Adapted phone

Adapted phone (underneath)

Adapted buttons on phone (close-up)