Automatic bathroom wastebasket

Wastebasket opens without having to touch it – suitable for people with disabilities

Automatic wastebasket

Automatic wastebasket

The wastebasket has an infrared motion detector that detects movement immediately above it, causing the wastebasket to open; after a few seconds it closes again.

Purchased from
In Sweden for example (last January 2022)

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user’s

Wastebasket with open cover

Wastebasket with open cover

User ‘opens’ wastebasket by holding her hand close to it

User ‘opens’ wastebasket by holding her hand close to it

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Author: Karolina

Karolina bor tillsammans med sin familj i en villa. Hon arbetar deltid. 2006 skadade hon sig och har en tetraplegi (C7). Hon har 12 timmar personlig assistans per dag.

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