Clean Intermittent Catheterization (CIC)

A technique for intermittent catheterization without having to touch the catheter, which provides better hygiene.

User inserts catheter. He holds the package (cartoon).

User inserts catheter. He holds the package. Illustration: Lars ‘Geson’ Andersson

Intermittent Self Catheterization (ISC) involves regularly draining the urinary bladder with a disposable catheter.

The user soaks the catheter in water for about 30 seconds in its own package, then he connects the catheter to a urine bag. To avoid touching the catheter he opens the catheter package with his teeth on the other side as well and pulls back the package so that the catheter tip comes out. The catheter package serves as protection and he can insert the catheter without touching it.

Catheter model: LoFric from Wellspect Healthcare

Users comments
Not having to touch the catheter improves hygiene during intermittent catheterization.

Made by
Wellspect, (catheter), last checked June 2020.

Paid for by
County council

Whose idea
Friend of user

User connects the catheter to the urine bag by holding the catheter and urine bag tube between the index and middle fingers of each hand (cartoon).

User connects the catheter and the urine bag. Illustration: Lars ‘Geson’ Andersson

Catheter is soaked

Catheter is soaked

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Author: Mats

Mats bor tillsammans med sin sambo i en lägenhet. Han är pensionär. 1988 skadade han sig och har en tetraplegi (C6-7). Genom handkirurgi har han fått bättre grepp i båda händer. Mats har personlig assistans ca 10 timmar om dagen. Avliden.

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