Folding bow ramp in accessible boat

– allows easy access for wheelchair users

A wheelchair user boards the boat on bow ramp

A wheelchair user boards the boat

A folding 90 cm-wide bow ramp at the bow of an accessible boat. The bow ramp is operated by remote control from the boat or the dock and is adjusted against the dock or pier, making it easy to go onboard or ashore.

Users comments
The bow ramp can be folded down during the trip and make it easier for a person who uses a wheelchair to fish, see associated tip.

Made by
Hanterbara Båtar AB , (in Swedish) (last checked October 2021)

A walker boards the boat on bow ramp

A walker boards the boat

Bow ramp folded up

Bow ramp folded up

Bow ramp folded down

Bow ramp folded down

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Author: Jonas

Jonas startade och arbetar för Sveriges Funktionshindrades Frilufts och Fiskeförening, Han var också med att starta Hanterbara Båtar AB,, ett företag som bygger tillgängliga båtar. 2002 skadade han sig och har en komplett paraplegi. Han har ingen assistans.

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