User drives down a curb (video)
The user drives until the castors are right at the edge, he grabs the push rims at the back, and drives out over the edge in a low balanced position and lands on all four wheels. Then he opens his grip and lets the push rims slide in his hands. He keeps his upper body fairly straight.
Description of technique according to the book ‘Drivkraft’ [Driving force] by Ake Norsten, see below. The book is available in Swedish.
Users comments
The easiest and safest way to go down a curb is to land on all four wheels. For higher curbs and in narrow spaces, go over the edge balanced on the rear wheels and land on the drive wheels.
For a description of more driving techniques, see the book ‘Drivkraft körergononmi, rullstolsteknik & metodik’ [Driving force driving ergonomics, wheelchair techniques and methods] by Åke Norsten. The book is available in Swedish and may be ordered from Spinalis, or Aleris Rehabstation Stockholm, (last checked December 2020).

User drives down a curb
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