Lap and hand cushions

Cushions in colors that match clothing on which to place arms and hands when sitting in the wheelchair - a possibility for persons with extensive disabilities

User with lap cushion

User with lap cushion

The user has a lap cushion on which to place arms and hands. She places small cushions under her hands so her fingers can rest in a slightly bent position. The cushions are washable. She has cushions in different colors to match her clothes (gray, white, beige, black).

Made by
User’s occupational therapist

Whose idea
The user

The user with lap cushion and hand cushion (close-up)

The user with lap cushion and hand cushion

Hand cushions (close-up)

Hand cushions

Hand cushions

Author: Nina

Nina bor i en lägenhet. Hon arbetar deltid. Hon skadade sig 1996 och har en hög tetraplegi (C4) och är i behov av ventilator. Hon har dubbel assistans dygnet runt.

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