Ramp design, exit to garden

A ramp design with built-in seating area leads from the kitchen to the garden

User drives out through the kitchen door. The staircase is blocked with a wooden plank.

User drives out through the kitchen door

A ramp from the kitchen leads around the house to a seating area, and continues to the patio and then down to the garden. The old kitchen stairway remains in place and a plank prevents the user from driving down the stairway.

Users comments
The plank was added after the user almost drove down the stairs.

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Ramp leads to a glassed-in patio and down to the garden

Ramp leads to a glassed-in patio and down to the garden

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Author: Suzanne

Suzanne bor ihop med man och barn i en villa. Hon arbetar deltid. 1991 skadade hon sig och har en komplett tetraplegi C6. Hon har personlig assistans.

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