Securing feet to wheelchair foot bar

Foot strap for feet – suitable for wheelchair users with spasticity

Users feet on the foot bar of the wheelchair and secured with a strap.

Strap to secure feet to wheelchair foot bar

A strap that secures feet to the wheelchair foot bar.

Users comments
The strap is reasonably discreet and blends in with the wheelchair and feet. The user usually wears black shoes. The user experiences severe spasticity of the legs and feet in the morning. The strap keeps the legs in place. It even works well for downhill use, allowing the user to maintain speed without worrying because feet are well secured.

Be careful not to secure the strap too tightly, to avoid red marks.

Paid for by
County council

Whose idea
Hjälmedelscentralen (Technical aid center) and the user

Securing strap, open

Securing strap, open

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Author: Yasmin

Yasmin bor i en lägenhet. Hon arbetar deltid. 1999 skadade hon sig och har en C-5 skada. Hon har fått opererat armsträckare i båda armarna, knipfunktion i vänster tumme samt pronation i båda underarmarna. Tipsen innan 2008 har hon inte gjort någon handkirurgi. Hon har 24 timmar personlig assistans, varav 7 timmar jour.

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