Wheelchair with good mobility in rough terrain, Zoomcamp

A battery-powered, four-wheel drive bike suitable for people with disabilities

A person in an electric wheelchair with a large steering lever and four equally sized wheels in the forest

With Zoomcamp in the woods (the person in the photo is not the user). Photo from www.zoomability.com

The vehicle is specifically designed to get around in hilly terrain. The zoom is designed so that all four wheels are on the ground, regardless of how uneven the ground is, for constant four-wheel-drive. The safest position for the user is cross-legged with thighs held in place.
The vehicle is classified as a Class III bike and is therefore permitted to travel on bike paths, roads and even off-road. Max speed is 20 km/h.

For more information please see zoomability.com (last checked November 2024)

See also youtube.com/watch (last checked November 2024)

Made by
Zoom, zoomability.com (last checked November 2024)

Purchased from
Zoom’s resellers, see https://www.zoomability.com/(last checked November 2024)

A person in an electric wheelchair going uphill on uneven terrain

With zoomcamp in terrain. Photo from www.zoomability.com

Electric wheelchair with scaled seat, large steering lever and four equal wheels


User in Zoomcamp (crossed legged)

User in Zoomcamp

User in Zoomcamp with thighs held in place

User in Zoomcamp with thighs held in place

Author: Micke

M. hade en paraplegi, Th 5. Avliden 2019.

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