Winter tires for wheelchair

Heavy-tread tires on wheelchair facilitate outdoor driving in difficult terrain, such as sand or snow
User drives on wet dirt with heavy-tread tires on wheelchair
User drives on wet dirt with heavy-tread tires on wheelchair

Heavy-tread tires for the rear wheels of the wheelchair.

Model: Pushrim with mountain bike tires from Panthera

Users comments
The disadvantage of the tires is that the users hands get very wet.
Hjälpmedelcentralen (assistive device center) will not pay for the tires. The user, who is a geologist, received them from the Social Insurance Agency as a work-related assistive device.

Made by

Purchased from
Panthera, (last checked December 2020)

Paid for by
Swedish Social Insurance Agency

Whose idea
The user’s

User drives on sand with heavy-tread tires on wheelchair
User drives on sand with heavy-tread tires on wheelchair

Author: Caroline

Caroline bor i en lägenhet och arbetar. Hon har en medfödd bindvävssjukdom (Ehlers-Danlos syndrom) som ger henne varierande problem och smärtor i alla lederna. Sedan 2000 använder hon rullstol utomhus. Hon har 27 timmar hemhjälp i månaden.

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