Customized touch pen makes it possible to control iPhone and iPad with the mouth
Customized touch pen makes it possible to control iPhone and iPad with the mouth
Pen extension with screw mount used as mouth stick – suitable for people with extensive disabilities
Flexible holder for pen/pencil/brush – suitable for people who draw/paint with their mouth
Painting with watercolors by mouth – an opportunity for people with extensive disabilities
– makes it easier to always have work materials accessible – suitable for people with severe disabilities
– suitable as an easel for people who draw/paint by mouth
A smartphone placed in a holder on the wheelchair table can be controlled with a mouth stick – suitable for people with extensive disabilities
iPad makes it easier for people with limited reach to draw or paint – suitable for people with disabilities
A table easel makes it easier to paint by mouth – suitable for people with severe disabilities
Handheld computer with touchscreen – easy to use for people with disabilities
Book stand serves as a good holder for drawing paper/ canvas when painting by mouth